Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday 07/17/2007

07/17/07 Tuesday

Hello all! I can't believe I've been here over a week. A plane actually came in last night to bring in 2 construction workers and we got some newspapers that were newer than 2 months old. Wow...did you know the Tour de France was going on?! Wonder what else I've missed?! It's rained here the past 2 days, but the birds have LOVED it! They all flap their wings in unison and face their beaks to the sky to get a drink.

Let's see...Saturday got to go with the seal expert on a survey and saw 5 of them. We walked the perimeter of the whole island (7 miles) and got to see some of the forbidden beaches (closed to help seal and sea turtle populations). The refuge manager had all the "coral reefers" over Saturday night and then we went to a bonfire later that night. Stargazing is quite wonderful here. Sunday Barbara and I biked most of the island and we saw a seal pup and it swam up to us and blew bubbles...too cute. We've been trying to save the birds that get water-logged in the ocean. It must take too much out of them, though, because not one of the 4 that we've pulled out has survived. :(

Steve and I got to go back in the ocean yesterday with the biologists to the Coral Reef Hotel. It's some recreational place the navy built 30 years ago and has since been destroyed by a typhoon. I guess it's a great place to monitor coral growth. We got to dive down and place measuring tape on the ocean floor while one of the grad students took pictures. Another day of swimming for 5 hours - I was pooped and was sleeping by 9:30!! This morning we processed some coral tiles that had been placed in the ocean last year and collected yesterday. Just got done with lunch...sandwich day...yeah! I've been eating lots of rice because they serve fish quite often, but they also have wonderful desserts which isn't so great!

Oh yeah - we got to go bowling Sunday night! They have nothing on this island except the airplane hanger, some houses, 2 barracks, a cafeteria, a bar that's open 3x/week, a store that's open 3 hours/week and a room with 3 working computers. BUT they do have a bowling alley! It was left from the navy and we had to keep our own score, but it was fun. It's only open on Sunday evenings. It's been quite the adventure so far, but I can't imagine people staying here for months or even years. I guess we're a special case and typically the minimum stay is 3 months.

Tomorrow afternoon we get to go to Eastern Island and pick up debris. Thursday night we get to watch the island made Thai band play and they're having a little farewell party for us.
Well, back to algae tile processing. Oh, the store is open this evening. I don't need anything, but if the store's open, you might as well go, right?!
Hope everyone is doing great...miss ya!


--Hawaiian Sea Turtle (Honu) - again, thanks Pete!

--Kate, Kahi and I on Eastern Island - taking a small break from picking up debris

--Barbara and I on our way to work!

--Angie and John K. pulling debris out of the ocean

--Seal pup making friends with some turtles!!

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